A new integration wizard and a few bug fixes

fix VAT validation for UK companies it's now fixed.

fix Companies that have a large number of promoters won't get an error when trying to export the promoters. The export will be processed in the background and when it's finished, they will get an email with a temporary download link.

fix the cache of the email counter caused some issues for some new accounts, showing a wrong count in the "Sent" column. We identified the problem and fixed it.

new Last week we launched a wizard that helps new users integrate FirstPromoter much easier with their websites. It has a simple step by step approach with new pre-made scripts and more examples for custom integrations that require a developer. 

Only users that signed up for a trial after 31st March 2021 have access to it. If you're an older user and want to try it out, please contact us.

Script update for ClickFunnels users

Due to the recent changes on Apple iOS 14, iPhone and iPad users that are using Safari may encounter tracking issues with the current ClickFunnels script. 

For most of our ClickFunnels customers this subset of users is very small so it may not affect your affiliate program performance by much, but it's still recommended to replace your old checkout / optin script with this new one for better accuracy. 

Note that only the script on the checkout page must be updated, not the visitor - global tracking script. If you need help with the update please contact us via live-chat.

This is the new script:

 function set_fprom(){
    $(document).on('mousedown touchstart','a[href="#submit-form"],a[href="#submit-form-2step"],img[imagelink="#submit-form"]', function(){
            email: $('input[name="email"].elInput').val(),
            event_id: new Date().valueOf().toString()

if (window.attachEvent){
  window.attachEvent('onload', set_fprom);
  window.addEventListener('load', set_fprom, false);