Many new features and improvements on FirstPromoter version 2

We've been super busy over the last few weeks on FirstPromoter. We're happy to share that the big majority of our users have already migrated to version 2 of FirstPromoter and the positive feedback we got is overwhelming. If you haven't migrated yet please contact us on live-chat, we'll close version 1 very soon.

Lots of new features have been added to FirstPromoter v2 in the last few weeks. Here are some of them:

View email events and the option to resend emailsnew 

Now you can see which emails have been sent and which failed, together with their error message. Moreover, you can also resend the emails.

Payout method bank regions and crypto currency types new 

You're able to select what regions you want to allow for bank payout method. For ex. if you want to pay only to US bank accounts, you can select only US banks. For crypto, you can choose which currencies are available for payout. These options can be set from Payouts > Available payout methods.

Custom panel on affiliate dashboard new 

We added a new panel on the affiliate dashboard where you can put any content you like there, including images and videos. Many customers are using it to share more details about the program, onboarding steps, welcome messages, emphasizing important parts of the affiliate terms, etc.

Reorder affiliate signup fields and affiliate dashboard panels new 

The order of the fields and sections can be changed easily by just dragging and dropping to desired location.

Adjusting items shown per page new 

Before this feature, you could only see 10 items per page on admin tables. Now you have the option to change it to 20 or 50 items. 

Font selection for the affiliate dashboard new 

On the Layout section of the affiliate dashboard configuration you'll find a new Font selectbox which allows you to select any Google font and apply it to your affiliate dashboard.

Viewing agreements on the affiliate dashboard

Affiliates have the option to review what agreements they agreed on, the date of the agreement and their content. The option is found on Profile settings > View agreements.

Features ported from version 1 improvement 

  • Custom email template. You can use your own email template to render the emails instead of ours. It supports any valid HTML
  • Minimum paying customers required for payout. Our users can set a number of minimum paying customers required for affiliates to have in order to get paid. This is a powerful anti-fraud measure.

30+ bug fixes fix 

Since version 2 has a completely new UI, we paid a lot of attention on ensuring platform stability and our team did a great job fixing the bugs we encountered in record time.